måndag 30 november 2009

John Daly: "We need him, probably more than anybody on the Tour"

Tiger Woods kommer inte att spela i golftävlingen Chevron World Challenge som han har varit värd för de senaste nio åren, skriver Aftonbladet. Anledningen sägs vara skadorna Tiger fick efter bilolyckan som han var med om för några dagar sedan.

Den amerikanske golfaren John Daly säger:
"I don't really care what happened between Tiger and ... whatever happened. I'm just glad he's OK."
Han tillägger:
"We need him, probably more than anybody on the Tour, to keep things going, the way the economy is. Tiger's the biggest asset the Tour's had in a long, long time. Whatever happened, as long as he's OK that's all that matters. Golf needs him badly ... no doubt."
Detta skriver RTÉ sport.

/The Bride

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